Frequently Asked Questions

VOIP2320 Billing, Rates and Dispute Resolution

  1. What are the start-up costs? How much will it cost monthly?
  2. What Rate Plans does VOIP2320 offer?
  3. What are your international rates?
  4. What taxes does VOIP2320 charge?
  5. Are there any hidden costs with VOIP2320?
  6. What is Emergency 911 Cost Recovery Fee?
  7. What is The Universal Service Fund Fee?
  8. What are Regulatory Recovery Fee surcharges?
  9. What are International Regulatory Recover Fee surcharges?
  10. How does VOIP2320 bill for services?
  11. Will I receive a paper bill?
  12. What does my online Monthly Statement look like?
  13. Can unused minutes be carried to the next month?
  14. Do you take any other payment method besides credit card?
  15. What if there's a problem with my card?
  16. Are there overage charges?
  17. How can I add more features/lines/phones?
  18. What are the Terms and Conditions for Use?
  19. If I suspect an error on my bill, who should I contact to resolve it?
  20. Can I cancel at any time?
  21. Are calls to cell phones or mobile phones included in the plan?


* Significant restrictions apply to Unlimited Plans. Consult the Terms and Conditions for details.
** Unlimited Plans do not include calls to International Mobile Phone Numbers or to Special Services Numbers such as Toll-Free or Caller-Paid Information Services or 900 Numbers.